G arden room may be any outbuilding or specially constructed extension that’s attached to the side of the house or back of the garden. Garden rooms are often entered through French doors, allowing indoor/outdoor access, and they can be used as utility rooms, office spaces, potting sheds or home gyms. Designing a garden room requires careful planning and attention to detail, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Here are five tips to creating the perfect garden room.
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♣Garden Rooms are Great for Relaxation
One of the reasons why garden rooms are so popular is that they give you somewhere you can go and relax. It doesn’t matter what happens at work or with your family; as soon as you get home, all those worries simply melt away. However, just having a big chunk of space in your garden isn’t enough to make it relaxing: a garden room brings you much more than just space.
♣Garden Rooms Give You Plenty of Space to be Creative
If you’re planning on having more than just your average plants and lawn, garden rooms allow you plenty of space for designing your own unique decor. They’re also ideal if you want a place for your children to play, with plenty of room for bouncy castles and slide boards. Alternatively, some garden rooms are designed specifically as outdoor TV rooms or living area. You can even choose to have an outdoor bar installed in your garden room—ideal if you have friends over regularly!
♣Garden Rooms are Ideal for Entertaining Guests
Garden rooms are great for adding value and making your home more appealing. They’re also great spaces for entertaining guests. Many garden come with audio-visual cabling and can be equipped with built-in AV solutions such as projectors and TVs. If you’re looking for a space that offers flexibility while still allowing you to entertain in style, it makes sense to go ahead with garden room plans.
♣Garden Rooms gym best place for your exercise
Garden rooms are great for exercise. You can put your equipment in them so you don’t have to go outside, if it’s raining or too cold and you can even bring your animals in with you! If you want an outdoor workout but still want to keep things warm, why not try doing some gardening? There are many tools that require physical strength that do not require going outside at all.
♣Garden Rooms Can Become Gardens in Themselves
Instead of focusing on building a room within your garden, you can turn your garden into an extension of your room. This gives you space to install everything you would normally have in another room, with all its mod cons, but leaves it open and free of walls so that it is surrounded by nature. This type of indoor-outdoor space is called an alfresco area.
♣Garden Room with Shed
Space is everything when it comes to garden rooms. The design of your room will depend on what you’re planning on doing with it, but bear in mind that sheds are also becoming quite popular in recent years. By adding one onto your garden room, you’ll have even more storage space! If you do add a shed onto your room, make sure there is adequate insulation between the two structures.
♣Garden Room Cost
A small garden room can be built for less than £10,000. This will depend on how big you go, and how luxurious your choice of materials are.
♣garden room planning permission
Before you start on your garden room, it is important that you find out if you will need planning permission. Planning laws can be quite strict in some areas, so it is always worth getting specialist advice before starting any major construction project. Speak to your local authority as they are best placed to give you advice and guidance on what will be acceptable and what won’t.